
Start bringing life to your rootz

Preserve your most cherished memories by co-creating beautiful, premium photo books.

How it works



Design your own premium quality photo book with lay-flat print pages and custom hardbound covers.


Invite others to help create your book by uploading pictures, videos, or sharing stories.


Get your book printed with free shipping within the USA in as little as 4 business days.
Editing made simple

Editing made simple

The Life Rootz editor makes creating and editing your book a breeze. Our intuitive controls make even the most complex layouts as easy as point and click, drag ‘n drop.

We absolutely love our Life Rootz photo book!

It was super easy to put it all together with the help of our closest family. The book itself is very well made so we know it will be around for many generations.
  • The Peters Family (Louisville, KY)

Too many good things to say...

First of all, as a 72 year old I had little confidence that I'd be able to customize my own book. I was extremely surprised when I made a gorgeous book that I gifted to my whole family using photos most of them had never seen before.
  • Nancy H. (Springield, MA)

I can't believe how fast it came together!

When my baby was born I started taking tons of pics on my phone but I didn't have a way to make them into a physical keepsake. Life Rootz made creating and shipping my books very simple and fun. I'm so excited to keep making them!
  • Denise Miller (Charleston, SC)

Try Life Rootz today